Which action movie actor improvised a move in a fight that became legendary?

The bathroom scene in Mission Impossible: Fall Out is one of the most memorable in the film.

Originally, it was supposed to be shot in four days, but it ended up taking several weeks because it was so complex to produce.

During this sequence, there is a memorable shot where Henry Cavill, after taking a blow, stands up and re-enters the fight with a determined air.

In doing so, he “reloads” his biceps.

It’s quite striking. And it’s the first time, to my knowledge, that we’ve seen something like this in a film!

The gesture will receive a lot of buzz and will be highlighted in the film’s trailers.

The funny thing is that this gesture was totally improvised by Henry Cavill. It wasn’t thought through.

The actor did it the first time during a take, but he didn’t do it again during the next take.

The director then took him aside and asked him to redo what he had just done in the previous take, because he thought it was very cool.

But Cavill didn’t know what he was talking about. He had made the gesture spontaneously and had immediately forgotten it. It took the director showing him the clip on a monitor for him to realize what it was about. He was then able to reproduce it in subsequent takes.

Which action movie actor improvised a move in a fight that became legendary?

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